Friday, March 1, 2013

Placebo Effect

The morality of the Placebo

Jenny Lott

English 1301 for Future Healthcare Providers
alone(predicate) Star College
Paper 3: Argumentative Research Paper

The Ethics of the Placebo
Why do certain people need or require medicine even when they are non pale or do non need it? Hypochondriacs are expound as people who make up or hoax an ailment. They may do it for the attention or because they really recall they are sick. This condition is described as hypochondriasis or health anxiety. Since people do non understand how or why a hypochondriac behaves the style they do, it is assumed as something negative to the general public. Even some physicians do non know how to handle said hypochondriacs. The prevalence of those suffering from liveliness hypochondriasis is only 1%-5% of the general population, hart and Bjorgvinsson. Should they be able to receive prescriptions even when they are not actually ill? Should the doctor regulate them the drug they want or think they need? Should the physician prescribe them a placebo? Should the patient be able to self-diagnose and self-medicate? Or should the physician prescribe a placebo to the patient is they know the patient is making up symptoms? The answer is not clear. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!

I believe that it is ethical for a physician to prescribe a placebo for a patient who is not really sick. I believe that prescribing a placebo is a way to manage some of those suffering from hypochondriasis.
The definition of a placebo is a pill is: 1. a substance containing no medication and order or given to reinforce a patients expectation to present well. b. An inactive substance or preparation used as a control in an experiment or strain to determine the effectiveness of a medicinal drug. 2. something of no essential remedial value that is used to appease or tranquillize another.( is no harm is prescribing a placebo to someone who thinks they need a pill for a particular ailment they may not actually suffer from. Giving a...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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