Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Living Far from Home Essay

To many students coming from distant provinces, the experience of musical accompaniment out-of-door from home may be one of the best split in their university look. This can be re everyy unforgettable and exciting, and at the same time, it has a very important effect on students life, especially freshmen, as for many of whom, this is their low gear time living so far away from home in much(prenominal)(prenominal) a long period. To roughly extents, both trends ware their feature advantages and disadvantages which have the major effect on the final closing of each student on the threshold of their novel life in the universities. 

Learning to look after ourselves

Experience new culture, food, habits, etc.,

Become bold enough to face tough situations

pay new avenues for the personal as well as captain development

Learning to interact with many and can experience a new crowd

We exit very much aware well-nigh our traditions and culture when we are away from home

Being away from home, first of all, does have some benefits. It is the chance to gain a new experience, at least, regardless of wherever people choose to go. This gives us a new feeling of independence. Many of us have been craving for freedom even since highschool years.

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After all those times being in the control of over protective parents, now we can get away from all the bindings, and, in some way, stretch our wings.

Going away from home is students experience and joy. They always take pride in their personal growth and are proud of the great love sent from their calm hometown. On another word, studying abroad means students will become the pride of their towns.

You will leave a vivid, colorful, wondrous and unforgettable memory in your life when you have such a much more dramatic life. You have some friends from different places, you share what you know about life with your friends, you go for sightseeing together...

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