Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Population Policy of India

Population Policy of India Population is defined as the issue forth rate of humans living in an area. Size of universe of discourse of a rural area has always been a subject of debate. in that location is no set formula for determining ideal surface of a nation, although it has been felt since ancient times that while a very low universe of a state would not be able to sustain itself due to lack of manpower, a very high population lead have to grapple with the availability of resources.  Thus an ideal size of population will depend on the resources available in the country. However, as site of cast up in population is higher than rate of increase in resources, it is necessary to limit the population of a country so as to be able to provide a decent life to all the citizens with the available resources. This requires a population policy to be adopted. Population of India As per 2011 census, India has a population of about 1.2 billion with an annual growth rate of 1.64% which makes us the second nearly populous country next nevertheless to China. Our population density which was 117 persons per square km in 1951 has nowadays increased to 382 persons per square km. Such a huge population creates pressure on the natural resources and the availability of arable land, swallow water, housing and other infrastructure.
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India still has a large number of people below poverty line and its position in other social indicators like literacy, health services etc. is also not very comfortable. Rapid increase in population is one of the major factors responsible for this situation. In the last-place decade itself (2001-2011) we have added 18.1 crore people to the population of India which is almost contact to the population of Brazil (19.07 crores) or Pakistan (18.4 crores) which are 5th and sixth most populous countries of the world. This increase in population absorbs the results of most of our economic achievements and is a major hindrance in increase the per capita availability of resources. The size of population and... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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