Monday, March 4, 2013

The Lottery Op-1


By-Kabir Hussain

Course: COM/105

Date: December 06/2009

Instructor: Cindy Cunningham, PhD

I was reading a newspaper sitting on my guide called “The New Nation” published on February 14, 1989 in my ingrained Country. My eyes quickly attracted to the big headline in the newspaper, which reads, “US outlines details of the new immigration planme.” No time mark started reading deeply every single word by word, sentence after sentences. What it is curious mind, searched into the pin-point of the lottery visa OP-1 program for immigration. I just thought for a moment what a wonderful fortune ahead! A land of opportunity I was already mentally in America. My mind and consistence together could not wait for a second to be in America. I felt so excited to carry momentarily.

The OP-1 Programme designed to issue 20,000 immigrant visas around the ball, the first 10,000 visas in 1990 and another 10,000 visas in 1991. Computer random aimion would select the visa winners. All applications must received between expose 1 – 31, 1989, at the given address in the newspaper, and some(prenominal) other required qualifications, terms, and conditions were also included. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!

March 11, 1989 I utilize according to the newspaper information reference with the proper backing to the address, “op-1 Programme, P.O. Box 20199, Washington, D.C. 20199-9998, U.S.A. About 3.2 million people around the world from 162 qualified countries, applied for that visa under OP-1 (optional program – 1) lottery. The drawing off winners would be the permanent resident in the United States of America, as per the program designed.

I was eagerly awaited from March 11 to rattling(a) 22, 1989 to receive reply from Washington D.C., USA for the flourishing lottery visa with so much eagerness. In August 23, in the year of 1989 the big day of my life arrived in noon time. I received a certified get away from the United States Embassy in...If you want to get a full essay, sound out it on our website:

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