Friday, March 1, 2013

rules that should be made for television

telly is the most popular strong point of entertainment, communication, education, information in todays life. It helps to create better impact. It is a medium that can reach a large number of people, in short the whole world at the same time. It reaches to each sector, community, people of all ages and tastes, in antithetic cities, states and nations.
Though tv in itself is neither good nor bad, it is in the hands of viewers to get advantage out of it notwithstanding currently India is having more than 400 channels of different languages for different age groups and of different interest of people which atomic number 18 available to us 24*7.
Today maximum sections of society are dependent upon the television for the give-and-take, education, information, entertainment and much more. Television has become a better of their life. Today ideas, dress, habits, attitude of a whole generation are decided by television. Thereby, television must be employ carefully so as to protect the best so that its advantages can be made use of fully. Television are planned to make people enlightened citizens and better human beings.
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Viewers are brain swear out by the perpetual scenes of violence to such an extent that violence and aggressiveness becomes accepted as a mode of behavior.
Television is here and its biggest fans are children. Its the kids who grab the television adopt and plot their viewing with military precision. Excessive violence shown sometimes make children insensitive and worse that, they try to imitate these things in real life. Children learn that violence is not only uncontrolled but frequently justified. Only few children, if given the option, watched the news or current affairs.


Section 1: Main Purpose
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