Friday, March 1, 2013

Red Light for Drug Trafficking

One of the main roots that has lead to the increasing of gangs, violence, r for each one rates, corruption, impunity, smuggling and crime of Mexico is medicines. Drug trafficking, dose production and drug consumption are all prevailing in the Mexican society. As they continue to grow so has the relationship amid Mexico and other countries has been horribly affected. The border country, the United States receives about 90% of cocaine from South America through Mexico. Mexico provides the United States with the largest bestow of marijuana and is the second largest source for heroin.
When the president of Mexico, Felipe Calderon came to office and began to cover on organized crime by arresting faith leaders, was when the government and cartels began their battle. There is a war overly between the five leading rival cartels for the production and smuggling of drugs. frenzy has reached the point of beheading, murdering and hiding of dead bodies, and even the dissolving of tender parts in acid. Kidnapping rates have also escaladed in Mexico to where an average of 70 people are abducted each month. There are 75 open cases of Americans who have been kidnapped in Mexico. Approximately 6,300 people have died in the past stratum because of the drug wars. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!

Gangs have become the dominant authority in Mexico, and when there are over 450,000 people involved in drug trafficking they are able to perform violence and to admit the issue rampant. The government has made many attempts for prevention, but the cartels comfort earn in tens of billions of dollars a year. Illegal weaponry has gotten into the detainment of the cartels and gangs and battles with troops have become more difficult because of the weapons they possess. Recently, drug traffickers threatened to kill one police officer in Juarez every 48 hours unless Police Chief Roberto Orduña Cruz stepped down. When he refused, his deputy turned up mutilated and dead, followed by some other officer and a jail guard. Cruz finally resigned his post and...If you postulate to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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