Friday, March 1, 2013

Nitrates in Food

BAÜ Fen Bil. Enst. Dergisi (2002).4.2

JZO Zavod za zdravstvena zastita, 3-ta Makedonska brigada br. 18, telephone booth 809, 1000 Skopje,
Republic of Macedonia

Nitrates be very toxic matters, which are stimulant methemoglobinemy and convey carcinogenic
matters like nitrosoamines and nitrosoamides. The purpose of our research is to knock out content of nitrates in
different kinds of intellectual nourishment products, which are produced in territory of the Republic of Macedonia and from import.
Investigations were providing by an enzymatic method (reducing nitrates to nitrites) and later that, determining
contents of nitrates spectrophotometricaly. All products are investigated by bioquant nitrate test. It was found
that the specialty values for nitrates in investigated products are less then supreme levels for nitrates in our
country and less then regulation in WHO.
Key words: nitrates, determination, food, spectrophotometry

1. Introduction
Nitrates are very toxic matters, which number to nitrites at certain physiological
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They cause metchemoglobinemy and produce carcinogenic
matters like nitrosoamines and different health disturbances as changes in vitamin levels,
disturbance in thyroxin production; negative influence in reproduction; changes in the blood
etc. Almost all food products contain nitrates, because nitrates are naturally present in the soil
(e.g. humid matters), the water and the air (e.g. nitrous gases). Nitrates negative influence on
human health starts with their conversion to nitrites, by an enzyme nitrate reductase [1].
This enzyme is present in the saliva, in the gaster and everywhere in the human body where
pH is low. Nitrites react with hemoglobin and produce methemoglobin, which enables to
transport of oxygen at the cellular level.
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