Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Gonorrhea We chose the bacterial complaint blast. We were not able to find when the disease was find or who discovered it. Gonorrhea is a bacterial disease that is an infection caused by gonoccocus bacteria. This bacteria is round shaped and thunder mug stretch forth only in dark, warm, moist places. These places would include; inside your body, cervix, phallus, throat, and rectum. It normally involves the urethra in males, and vagina, cervix, and fallopian tubes in females. For 2-9 days there are no symptoms of Gonorrhea. Then some do occur. There outhouse be browse burring urination and thick green-yellow discharge from the penis or vagina. Also, there may be rectal discomfort and discharge, joint pain, a balmy rash, or sore throat and swollen glands. For men, the opening of the penis may be red and sore. Symptoms of gonorrhea show up more than in males than in females, in fact, about half of the women with gonorrhea have no symptoms. Effects of this disease could include; gonococcal affectionateness infection, air poisoning, infectious arthritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, epididnmitis, endocarditis, sexual impotence in men, and infertility in women. Also, pregnant women can infect unborn babies. Gonorrhea can be diagnosed by tests that include blood studies. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
There could be laboratory cultures and microscopic analysis of the discharge from the productive organs, rectum, or throat. Of course, you will have to obtain some of the symptoms in front the doctor will confirm that the tests be administered. This disease is ancestral by sexual contact. Any form of sexual penetration, oral, anal, and vaginal can transmit gonorrhea. There are other means of catching the disease, just they are not common. A person with gonorrhea can infect another area of their body by cutaneous senses the infected area and transferring the excretions. Gonorrhea may also be open up in clothing or wash clothes if used by an... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!

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