Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Essay paper

Essay writing is amongst the cheapest assignments offered in schools. Though it is cheap to write, essays have been the hardest assignment to some of the students. For students who cannot write essay paper, they get it rough from the teachers as they are considered less students that the rest in the class. Their teachers treat them badly and they usually tell them that they should look for somewhere else to be and not in school.

Their learning spirit is lowered and they feel that they should not be schooling at all. The reason why teachers should not be harsh to such students is that they do not understand the reasons whey they underperform. Trying to learn the reasons for their underperformance in essay writing will be helpful as the teachers will understand how the students will be helped.

Telling them that they do not belong in the school will not help and this is what has highly contributed to high number of dropouts. According to reaserch, many students who have dropped out of school associate the dropouts with their teacher’s harshness and the lack of support from the teachers.

If the law was firm then such incidents should not be happening in schools. The teachers would be compelled by the law to help the students learn how to write the essay and not to encourage them to drop out of school. The parents should also intervine when they learn that the teachers are not helpful.

Through the collaboration of teachers, students and parents, the students will get enough help and will have less challeges concerning essay writing as the teachers will learn the students’ weakness, communicate it to the parents and together they will discuss on how better the student will be assisted.