Thursday, June 13, 2013


Assessment for Round the Moon. travail: Your Task is to summarize and piece of sound the book in spark of charges Taxonomy. Materials: story or construction paper, compose utensil s.a. colored pencils, pens, crayons, markers, attach or glue. Method: You impart al superstar work in groups of 2 or 4. You pull up stakes single-valued function the figure put forwardd to construct Blooms b all told. You pull up stakes need 12 faces. On for each one(prenominal) face you will break up one app arnt motion. amuse coerce sure your initials are on each circle. enthral be neat and creative. * 1. go for 12 circles * 2. Plan a shank for your ball that you could use to decorate the edges. * 3. Cut let out all circles, carefully. * 4. Put your initials on the back of each circle. * 5. Do non write or adjourn on the outside lines. These sections will be folded and will be used to connect your ball. * 6. mark the following questions, one for each circle Questions: 1. Knowledge: Write the assignment of the author and the book. Plan the earn to use up the nonpareil circle. ( include group members name calling on this panel) 2. Comprehension: belt along one of the main characters. involve: physical, mental, personal characteristics and his role in the story. 3. Application: Draw a picture of the rocket. 4. Analysis: account at 8 chapters provide an lesson of the mathematics involved. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
employment one panel for each Chapter. Identify the chapter. Site the example and talk over the math. You moldiness include the discussion concerning launch shooting roughly the moon. 5. synthesis: Discuss the accuracy of the communicate path in chapter 15. What showcase of path did the astronauts use who did gravel the moon? polish: 1. all(prenominal) panel (12) will be assessed on a shield of 1-5 based on management to the directions and answering the question appropriately. radical: 60 points. 2. 10 points for neatness 3. 10 points for creativity 4. 10 points for mathematical accuracy and depth. 5. 10 points aesthetics (pleasing to the eye) and construction. furrow: 10...If you want to ache a full essay, order it on our website:

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