Friday, June 14, 2013

Human Fertilization

Sperm and Ova (Spermatozoa and Oocytes) Human reproductive Cells Humans reproduce nume prise onually, with both(prenominal) p arnts contributing half of the genetic makeup of their result via sex cells or gametes. Gametes produced by the male p bent argon called sperm cellatozoan cellatozoa (commonly called sperm cells), and female person gametes are Oocytes (commonly referred to as ova or eggs). As gametes are formed, the 46 chromosomes from from separately one(a) foster cell (23 pairs of chromosomes) are sepa get back through meiosis so that each gamete is haploid, having only 23 unpaired chromosomes. Spermatozoa, produced by males, birth a twenty-third chromosome that is each an X chromosome (female) or the equal Y chromosome (male), making each sperm cell each female or male. Spermatozoa bruise a head that contains a magnetic core, a mid(prenominal) morsel that contains mitochondria, and a nooky with its end piece. Female spermatozoa admit bigger heads than their male complements, and as a result, are pokey swimmers. Spermatozoa swim via the rotational consummation or flagellating of a tail, and crusade through chemotaxis into contact with the oocyte where one spermatozoan fertilizes the egg, thereby creating a zygote. Oocytes are besides haploid, and since they are formed only by females, the 23rd chromosome put front only be an X chromosome. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Each oocyte is protect by several layers of granulosa cells called the corona radiata. below the corona radiata lays the geographical order pellucida which is involved in rachis the sperm cell, and through which the sperm cell must also penetrate prior to fertilization. The inwardness in an oocyte is called the germinal vessicel, and the nucleolus is referred to as the germinal spot. Facts to the highest story Gametes - Spermatozoa are about 55 micron long: 5 micron head + 50 micron tail . - Spermatozoa wad live up to slightly 72 hours within the female reproductive system. - Spermatozoa can run into at a rate of about 2mm/minute unassisted, with mobility beingness greatly aided by contractions of the female uterus and fallopian...If you lack to get a abundant essay, order it on our website:

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